Monday, July 21, 2008

maybe there's more to life than being really really ridiculously good-looking.

I can't believe it's the 21st of July. In a way it's awesome, because it means that in 24 days I will be visiting New York and and then around a month and a half after that I'll be in Texas at ACL. However, the downside is that I find myself spending so much time looking forward to things (as opposed to enjoying my current situation) that whole weeks can fly by without me noticing. Don't get me wrong, I have a pretty fun life, and I feel like there is plenty for me to do during my time off. However, I also feel like my job is extremely soul-sucking. And unfortunately the time I spend at work is much more than I would prefer. And it's making me dumber. I can barely finish a sudoku any more.

I realize that I am not the first or last person to be faced with this problem, but it's kind of like being broken up with--it happens to literally everyone, but when it happens to you it feels so personal and wrong, and you can't help but think that no one should ever have to put up with crap like this. My aunt Milena always used to tell me things like "seize the day, and dance like no one is watching!" However, Milena also was a wealthy stay at home mom to an only child, so she literally had the time and money to do ANYTHING she wanted. It never occurred to me that that is a situation in which I would never ever find myself.

Anyway, I saw Wanted, Mamma Mia, and The Dark Knight this weekend (it was a big movie weekend, obviously). Mamma Mia was super cheesy and would have been better with someone other than Meryl Streep, but the other two were spectacular. Wanted was everything I wanted it to be--out of control implausible violence, hot cars, and stunts involving complete disregard for the laws of physics. I loved it. And in Dark Knight, Heath Ledger actually managed to live up to all the hype, which is no small feat. I was extremely impressed.

Ok. I have to go eat now. Thats the other thing I look forward to during the day, but that has pretty much been a constant throughout my life, so its cool.

1 comment:

kelly said...

if it makes you feel any better, i can't even pronounce 'sudoku.' i wish you could live in my head for a second and hear the ways i read that word over and over. most often it sounds like 'so-doo-ku'?