Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How I behave on a non-vacation break, part 1

Preamble: Non-vacation breaks tend to bring out my most feral, Dustin side, so I'm just gonna jot them down for my own amusement

Anyway, I woke up about an hour ago completely ravenous, only to be reminded for the third consecutive morning that there is no food in the house (sidenote: omfg just go to the grocery store katie).  But i was so starving and desperate that i threw together a breakfast bowl of instant brown rice that kelly left here a while ago, the last scrambled egg, and some paul newman's brand alfredo sauce that i found in the back of my cupboard.

And i want to say it was gross, but it wasnt.  It was DELICIOUS.  like, one of THE MOST DELICIOUS THINGS ive eaten in recent memory.

And hey!  Complex carbs, protein....whatever alfredo sauce is...theoretically no worse for me than an egg mcmuffin right?  Ok.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Remember that time i still have two solid weeks left of vacation

This is my first time staying in Portland for the entire two weeks, and honestly that much time off seems a little daunting.  So im gonna make a list here of all the stupid things ive been wanting to do forever and just havent gotten around to, and I guess I'll do those.

1. Print out fave photos from facebook.  The most recent actual photos that I have date back to around 2004, and when you're in my apartment there is basically no evidence that I have any friends or family (barring the framed photo of Heather and me from when we were 5, and wearing matching Minnie Mouse swimsuits).  This is happening.

2.  Find a non-ikea bookcase for my textbooks and shit.  Nothing against ikea, but i want one thats like, cool and vintage and super sturdy.  I know just the place to look because a few weeks ago Kelly came into town and showed me all of the coolest shopping spots in my own city.  Hopefully this is happening.

3.  Learn to crochet.  This probably isn't happening.

4.  Download sweet workout jams.  Then use them to work out.  If I work out a lot this break, not only will I look better but it will kill a solid 90 minutes every day, which means a solid 90 minutes that I'm not using to eat when not hungry and spend money I dont have.  Win/win/lose!! (the lose is just because i hate working out so much).  This may happen.

5.  Sunbathe. Not sure where, but definitely happening.

6.  Learning to shoot rifles in Eastern Oregon.  This actually is happening, I just remembered. Psyched. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh lawd aint it the truth

some say it's a backward place/
narrow minds on a narrow wage/
but I make it a point to say/
that's where I come from"

My friend Lindsey had these lyrics on her facebook wall today, and considering the fact that my relationship with South Carolina may go down in history as one of the great love/hate stories of all time, it really struck a chord.
Please dont google the song btw, or you'll be forced to learn that they lyrics actually come from a Kenny Chesney song

is this real life

my god i loved this and could not even begin to tell you why