Monday, November 9, 2009


On the way to work today, I was behind a Toyota Prius waiting on the drawbridge to just draw already. It had a bunch of bumper stickers on it, and as I read them I experienced that taken-aback feeling that you get when you expect one thing and are delivered something completely different. All of the stickers read things like "Say no to socialism", "Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.", and "NO-bama." On top of which, the car had a Texas license plate.
Normally, I'll just roll my eyes and say "geezus" to myself under my breath when I see cars like this. But I was ok with this person. Because they were driving a hybrid car. Even though this person's reasons for buying a car like this were almost certainly more financial than environmental. Even though brazen bumper sticker politics irritate me no matter what the party affiliation. I think that no matter how staunchly, Bushly republican this person was, the fact that they elected to buy a Prius puts us on the same side, in a small way. Its a very bipartisan car.

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