Tuesday, August 25, 2009

happy birthday lakota

It is my dog's birthday. She is one. I'm not going to do anything for it, mainly because she's a fucking dog and doesn't care one way or another, but I wanted to acknowledge the date because it is actually the first time in my life that I've ever had a dog whose birthday I knew. Pretty cool, I think.

I'm watching the adventures of pete and pete. i like to pull it out every six months or so because it is the most awesome kids show ever made and makes me forget all my troubles. Not that I have anything going on right now thats particularly troubling, but you know what I mean. The general troubles of adulthood--working during the summertime, getting paid and knowing that 80% will automatically go to rent and car, dating (i have a particularly horrifying story that i can't even bear to write down--ask me about it personally if you're interested)--things like that. Pete and pete makes it all go away.

I want to go to the beach. I think I might.

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