Monday, March 23, 2009

letting the light shine in

I have been slowly clawing my way out of hell over the past couple of weeks with some previously unsolicited help, and for the first time in recent memory I can actually feel myself truly returning to a state of normalcy. On Saturday I woke up at 7 and went out for coffee with a book, just because the day looked so beautiful. Last night I came home from hanging out with friends and tried on all my shoes, something I used to do all the time but haven't cared enough to do in several months. I completed my personal statement for my school applications. But the thing that made me realize I was really on my way back was last Wednesday when I woke up, inhaled, and realized that I could breathe for the first time in nearly a year. I didn't even realize I couldn't until I suddenly could. I felt like I was drowning in air, and it made me cry with relief. The only thing I wish is that I had done something about this sooner, I feel like I've lost so much time. Still, better late than never--I'm so happy to be starting over in earnest.

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