Wednesday, December 31, 2008

im about to talk about nothing for several paragraphs

This has been the best/most useless day. I woke up at 11. Then I sat in bed and read for a little while. Then I sat in bed and watched like 3 hours of season two of The Office. Then I went and took a bath and continued watching The Office. Now I am finally dressed and presentable, and I am writing this blog because someone took my car and i am stuck at home (not really, I could technically drive the van, but whatevs). I am also looking at my senior portrait across the room and noticing how completely awkward and unattractive I was in high school. I'm not saying I'm such a babe now, but I'm pretty sure I don't look like that.

I’m also wearing a really gay outfit.

Despite all that, I’m feeling pretty good. This time at home has completely recharged me, and I still have four entire days left before I have to return. Sweet.

I talked to Gaby today for the first time in like a year, and every time I talk to her I am reminded again of why I love her so much in the first place. She is like a alternate universe version of me—she’s keyed up and hyper and has all these weird digestive problems and worries all the time which is completely the opposite of me, but I feel like we are fundamentally very very similar. And she cracks me up more than almost anyone I know.

I’ve been researching Chiropractic schools on and off since I’ve been home and pretty much have my heart set on the one that I found in Portland. This is pretty on-par with the way I make major decisions in my life—last minute and more or less at random, with very little prior research—so I am feeling very set in my decision. I have to take another physics class before I go (which I can only see being relevant in the coming years if I have to take a part time job as an aeronautical engineer to cover my expenses during school), but whatever, that’s fine.

I found out today that my great uncle Dick in Wisconsin died late last night. It really upsets me to think about. Not because we spent a huge amount of time together but because I have such great memories of my time up there, and it is very definitely the end of an era. I kind of wonder how my Mom is feeling—she always talks about the summers that she would spend as a kid at their house by the lake, and how much she loved that time there. Now the house will change hands for the first time in 50 years, and the new owners will come in with their paint swatches and their renovations and their new furniture sets from the Pottery Barn, and it will be like he was never even there. It’s so strange, because it seems like there should be something really concrete left after all of the time and history and family and love and stories, but all that will be left are photographs, ultimately. It just makes me wonder how long before this kind of thing starts happening for me, closer to home. How much longer I’ll recognize my own life, I guess.

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