Tuesday, April 22, 2008

just a heads up, this entry may make me sound like i am hitting the crack pipe. don't worry, i'm not.

My mom, dad, brother, grandma, and uncle are coming to visit me this weekend. I should be really excited, but I am dreading it for some reason. Probably because that many personalities in a confined space are bound to clash sooner or later. Also, my mom is showing up on Thursday night and staying till Monday. Call me crazy, but 5 days is an insanely long time for a parental visit. I just want this to be over.


I had a horrible dream last night. It wasn't a nightmare or anything, just REALLY uncomfortable. I dreamt that this guy Dan who I stopped seeing about a month ago was an actor somehow, and I was going to see a movie that he was in. So I was alone, and I sat down next to a girl that I didn't know and was chatting it up with her before the movie started. Suddenly, I saw him in the audience out of the corner of my eye, and he was looking at me and motioning for me to meet him outside. I excused myself and went out into the lobby to meet him. The second I see him he asks me "so how long have you been friends with my ex-girlfriend?" Apparently that's who I was sitting next to. Then (you know how dreams jump around) we are sitting on top of an RV and watching his movie, which is now inexplicably at a drive-in theater. And the drive-in theater is at my house in TR. While we are sitting up there he tells me that he thinks we should date and I start crying and tell him that I don't want to. Then I get even more upset when he doesn't care that I said no. The only way I can accurately describe the quality of this part of the dream is to reference the part in Across The Universe where Bono sings I Am The Walrus.
Anyhoo, that's pretty much it. It actually sounds pretty lame and not upsetting at all when I read through the description, but I was really traumatized for some reason. I don't know why either, because we still talk and are friends. I'm a freak.

**************OK, THE COAST IS CLEAR***************

I am super excited about the direction that my band is going in. Emily is staying in Charleston for an internship over the summer, and the PR firm that she is working for will possibly take us on pro-bono, which is the only way we could afford to do it anyway. Also, we are doing some more recording, which I really enjoy. I was worried about where the money was coming from at first, but apparently our keyboardist Ben is rolling in the Benjamins and offered to front the money and be paid back through gigs and as each of us can afford it. The recording engineer that we are working with is now fully in charge of the studio because the owner left for 2 years to tour with some band called Shinedown (at first I was impressed because they are pretty big, but when I listened to them I realized that they sound exactly like Nickelback, which led to me becoming very un-impressed). So he is going to give us some really great prices for some very high quality demos. I would love it if this could eventually be my job. I'm just gonna put that out there right now.

Finally, has anyone ever had one of those Odwalla drinks that they sell at those overpriced organic grocery stores like Whole Foods? I've seen them on the shelves for years now but never tried them until about two weeks ago, and I am HOOKED. I have systematically been going through every flavor including the chocolate and vanilla, and none of them have disappointed. Unfortunately they are like 3 bucks a pop, but I figure everyone needs small extravagances in life. Also, the fact that I am making so little money that a 3 dollar drink seems like an extravagance is so depressing that I think I deserve it.

To my friends to who read this--boy do I miss you guys.


Erin said...

Ok, first things first. Aaron asked me Saturday if I thought you would be mad that we're friends. I told him he was being ridiculous and I'm glad you concur. I also said if it ever came down to you or him I'd choose you, so there.

Second, apparently, you cut off Kit in front of the BP on Calhoun yesterday. He said you were in a gold Camry and he could read your nametag hanging from the rearview. Haha!

Third, I'm trying to work my G'ville connections to get y'all a gig up here. Aaron has all the info and my friend David (who owns/books for Smiley's Acoustic Cafe) said if he likes your stuff, he'll book you. Aaron e-mailed him a few days ago. Also, I know the guy who runs the Acoustic Seen at Coffee Underground so perhaps you could perform their 8:30 Friday songwriter's slot one of these days. Plus, he has a show on WNCW where he features area songwriters. You play the show, you get on the radio...

Fourthly, if the above doesn't tell you that I think you guys are amazing, I don't know what will.

Finally, I'm moving back to Charleston in November. For serial.


Erin said...

PS- I had a dream last night that my boss would latch his hand around my ass cheek whenever we stood next to each other and NOBODY else flinched. And I mean, around my entire ass cheek.

my name is kelly. said...

we miss you, too. and all of that military training has given kit the super vision- that is hilarious.

i wish i could hear your band. come play in bk!

loves to you and erin!