Friday, January 18, 2008

i am a brat

My Mom just delivered the shocker of the year...she and my dad are looking at real estate in Charleston. My first reaction to this news was sheer horror. I thought she meant for herself and my dad. I thought she meant they were moving from TR. I thought she meant that they were leaving the house that I grew up in and coming down to this coke-palace of a city to settle on a beach somewhere and begin retirement/old age. I was destroyed.

However, all of these emotions not only happened in around five tenths of a second, they were also slightly premature. As soon as she saw the look on my face, she backpedaled, exclaiming "NOT FOR US! For you guys!"

This should be great news, right? I should be really excited, right? In a way I sort of am. I mean, its a cool idea and all. But something about it really depresses me as well. I am 23 years old, with a stable job. I have been paying rent and all other expenses on my own for a little over a year now with no trouble. I would continue to pay the same amount of rent and take care of the same expenses if I were to move into this hypothetical house. But something about having my parents as my landlord makes me feel like I am right back in college, with them footing the bill. It would almost be like having them next door, even though in reality they are a comfortable four hours away.

That being said, their reasoning for wanting to buy property is completely sound. My mom explained that since a) I am going to be here for god knows how long, b) Emily is here for at least 2 more years, and c) Randall will be in the city for another three years, it only makes sense to be pouring my rent money into a mortgage, rather than into my slumlord's pocket. Not to mention the whole "ultimate buyer's market" thing. So it is completely logical that they would want to do this.

I can't decide which is more spoiled--living in a house that my parents bought for their kids or complaining that I might have to live in a house that my parents bought for their kids.

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