Sunday, November 11, 2012

i guess im crazy now

   There is something about being in school that makes you feel as though you are standing in one place doing nothing for 4 years, when in actuality you are accomplishing a lot, I guess. My friend Anna and I were semi-joking the other day about how depressing a graph of our day-to-day lives would be, and then after we were done semi-joking I launched into a full fledged not-joking investigation of what this graph would look like.  After some intense self-reflection that took about 3 minutes, I made an actual color-coded pie chart of my daily thought processes.  Oh god, is this how I entertain myself now?  It's been raining for 6 weeks (out of 36)!!  I have an actual "raincoat" board on Pinterest dedicated to raincoats!!! I HAVE A PINTEREST!!!! AHHHHHHHHH  

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