Something I immediately noticed is that if you go into a place called the Weight Management Center and are NOT morbidly obese, people look at you like "what the hell are you doing here?" It's decidedly uncomfortable, but they way I look at it, just because I'm not overweight doesn't mean I don't have to actively manage my lifestyle in order to keep it that way. I didn't appreciate the judgement, is all I'm saying.
So the nutritionist was a bit of a bummer in that she told me to completely overhaul the way I'm eating. Evidently I was ballooning a bit in the portion size department, as well as eating like 5000% more starch than I should. The good part is that there was a change to be made--I wasn't just doing everything right and still not seeing results. So she was cool, whatever, I followed the plan for a week and lost .6 lbs. Neat.
Yesterday though, I met with the exercise counselor, Alicia. When I first saw her, I was like cool, she's young, stylish, fit, everything my superficial heart could ever want in a trainer/counselor. She seriously looked like a fitness model for Shape or something. She went through my regimen and then we just sat talking for a while, but I noticed that she kept making joking remarks about being old as the hills, blah blah, which confused and discouraged me because I assumed that she was maybe ten years old than me. So finally I asked her how old she was. The answer? FIFTY. This woman is fifty years old and looks like Jillian Michaels. All I can say is that after that, I was buying whatever she was selling. I told her if I look like her at fifty I'm gonna have tshirts made up or something.
So I meet with her again in three weeks. And the thing is I'm going to work really hard at the plan she gave me because I would sort of rather die than disappoint her. What a badass.
This is her--it's not the clearest picture but you get the general idea.
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