Because of PostSecret I was forced to find a binary code converter online and have been geeking out to it all morning. I love my "job".
I went out on a boat this Saturday with some new friends that I've made from dance and stuff, and got a glimpse of my future life as a single among marrieds. And to tell you the truth, it wasn't bad at all. The crowd was me, two married couples, one engaged couple, and one single guy. Which sounds like a total setup but wasn't. Anyway, it was fun. I'm sure the dynamic will shift considerably when everyone starts having kids, but I figure I've got another few years until that happens.
In other news Marj's wedding is this weekend and holy mother I cannot wait. Even though my dress is awful. Even though I am really broke and am going to have to put all wedding prep expenses on my credit card. Even though I have to go to Columbia. None of that matters when you are about to partake in the event of the century.
Ok I'm out of news. The end.
Oh, and PS:
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