I have another same-sex crush. It used to be Dani from A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. Now it's my dance teacher Jenny. Fortunately I'm not alone in this one--I was describing to Dina how I think Jenny is awesome and I want her to be my boyfriend and everything, and Dina looked at me and was like "me too!" What can a say, the bitch is magnetic.
I love this time of year. It's like 68 degrees outside (fahrenheit, not celsius--some asshole actually asked me that the other day) and breezy and sunny and dry. I have heard that Portland is like this throughout the entirety of the summer. I can't wait to get there.
I haven't seen Erin in like two weeks or something and I really miss her. In related news, I haven't seen Kelly in four months and REALLY miss her.
I had the most horrific nightmare last night that I had gotten engaged without my knowledge to this guy Jamie who I haven't seen, spoken to, or thought about in years. The dream felt like it went on for weeks, and it was just this horrid ordeal in which I was trying to figure out how to break off the engagement without anyone feeling bad or getting angry. During the course of the dream I actually remember thinking "this HAS to be a dream!", after which I would look down at my finger and see the ring still there. At one point I even tried to get on facebook, because I was sure he was already married and wanted to check. But when I tried to log in they were like "you're not on facebook any more, and have forfeited all facebook privileges!" Well, obviously THAT'S not very realistic since you can't actually leave facebook permanently without a friggin court order, but I still could not wake up. And when I did finally wake up I was all sweaty and feverish and twisted up in the sheets.
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