At first, I was so happy it wasn't a parking ticket that I did a merry jig around to the side of my car in celebration. But after the jubilation wore off and reality set back in, I re-read the note and became rather annoyed. My problems with this note are as follows:
1. I was in a completely legal spot. Just because it is inconvenient that a person parked behind you does not make that person in question a moron. Nor does it make that person inconsiderate. All it means is that life teaches tough lessons sometimes. The lesson that should have been learned in this case is that if there are three parallel spaces in a row and you need copious access to your 'back bay' (I assume that means 'trunk'), don't park in the middle space.
2. I can't imagine a situation in which I would be so helpless that I couldn't remedy a situation like this without soliciting hysterical help from a complete stranger. Solution: put you existing kid in its carseat, pull out of the offending spot, open the trunk, and throw the goddamn stroller in. This is not a difficult problem to solve.
3. Unless you are Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and All Earthly Parking Spaces, you can't just have someone towed from a public space because you feel like it. I feel like the woman is lucky she didn't call the towing company because they probably would have had a good laugh at her expense before telling her to chill the fuck out.
4. Obviously this woman does not know me personally, because if she did she would know to NEVER, under any circumstances, pull the pregnancy card if you expect any sympathy from me. Oh, you have a baby? Oh, you're having another baby? Not my fucking problem. Just because you've been knocked up twice does not mean that the rules of society will suddenly change to make things easier for you.
Anyway, this one's for you Pregnant Harpy, whoever you are...
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