Thursday, March 19, 2009

100th post! how exciting for me, and probably no one else!

don't really have anything to say, i just noticed that if i were to post right now it would be a milestone, so i thought i'd go for it.

i'm drinking a coca cola classic because they were out of diet coke and coke zero AND diet mountain dew, and i have to say it is so delicious, although probably not as delicious as back in the day when they spiked it with cocaine or whatever. maybe i'll start having a coca cola classic once a week or something, as a treat. i'm hoping that my referring to it as coca cola classic is really killing someone right now. coca cola classic.

in about two hours i will begin my hour-long pilgrimage to walterboro to gather my tag and personal belongings from my now deceased toyota camry. i have to say, even though i definitely wasn't planning on buying a new car right now and had pretty much planned to drive the camry for around 200,000 more miles (or until i actually had a lucrative career where i could afford a new car, whichever came first), i'm pretty excited to have a car that's actually cute for once. not that i didn't love the lumina, that old bitch. but still--its exciting.

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