So I read it, and I just sat there staring at the screen for a couple of seconds, and then I started crying. Like REALLY crying. As in, I had to excuse myself and run down to the bathroom and lock myself in and sit there until I could get it under control, and the people passing me in the hall were stopping and asking if I was ok.
The last time I can remember just breaking down like that in public for no reason was in the fourth grade. I had been having a really hard time with my parents and in school, and one day class ended and when my teacher asked me a couple of minutes later why I was still sitting there, I just fell the fuck apart. But I was in the fourth grade.
So anyway, I don't know what the hell is going on, but it really scared me, because until recently I have been one of the most poker-faced people I know when it comes to my feelings. And I really don't want to lose that.
1 comment:
The key to being a really great poker player is to let everyone know occasionally that you're bluffing. It throws people off and makes you unpredictable. Chin up, human, there will always be people who love you when you're a blubbering mess of snot or the most straight-faced poker player at the table.
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