This is officially my new favorite drink. Over Diet Coke, which has consistently been my favorite since around the 8th grade. So this is a big day for me. Unfortunately, I learned from a yankee friend that I hang out with that drinking Mountain Dew in general is considered to be a sign of a redneck upbringing. To which I counter, so what? I'll admit there are a lot of things about my family that are a little bit white-trash. Seventies model Jeep on blocks in back yard? Check. Three legged coonhound? Check. Giant brushpile which is recklessly lit by a male member of my family once every two months or so in the immediate vicinity of low-hanging tree branches? Check. Sure, each of these things on its own is kind of trashy, but I like to think that when we do it, its more quirky and eccentric. Therefore, me drinking Mountain Dew is also quirky. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an Elvis-shaped jello mold that my cousin Beaufort gave me in celebration of Confederate Memorial Day that needs to be filled and refrigerated.
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