Thursday, October 23, 2008

turns out i'm one of those people

I just went to Rite Aid at lunch to buy some stuff I needed and was all the way up at the front of the line when I realized I was about to purchase four boxes of O.B tampons and huge bar of Cadbury dark chocolate. Could I be any more of a cliche today.

Erin forced me to borrow Twilight. It was sitting on my floor in my house unopened until last night after she and Kiera both insisted that I just give it a shot. So I'm all "please, I'm not going to be able to get into book about vampires that is intended for teenaged girls."

I think everyone can see where this is going.

Four hours later, aka four in the morning, I marked the page I was on with my finger and fell asleep with the light on. I woke up three and a half hours after that and read a little longer, before I showered and took the book to work with me. Now its sitting on my desk, and the only thing i can think about is getting off of work and going to Starbucks and getting a tall skim green tea latte and sitting in one of those giant chairs and reading it.

I hate it when your kindergarten teacher tells you that everyone is unique and different like a snowflake, and then you spend the next 20 or so years of your life discovering that actually no, you aren't. You're just like everyone else who reads Harry Potter. You're just like everyone else who listens to Britney Spears and Rihanna. You're just like everyone else whose dad built a full-sized Sioux indian tipi in their back yard and made them go on a vacation on the Oregon Trail for a week where they dressed up like prairie children even though everyone else was dressed like a normal 21st century human being. Twice.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I just spewed Dunkin Doughnuts latte all over Maria's desk at work.

PS- You were warned.

PPS- Last night may have been one of the best in my life.