This story revolves around a kid named Evan who I assume is around 12 or something. For some reason (maybe he is visiting for the summer?) he goes to stay with his great aunt, whose name I don't remember. She is crazy according to Evan, although I don't remember on what grounds her craziness is justified. Let's say for the sake of me making shit up that she is a part-time fortune teller.
So Evan is soooo bored because he is in this hicktown with no friends for an extended period of time. To alleviate his boredom he goes to a junk shop to look at stuff and finds a dusty can with the words "Monster Blood" on it. I like to think that "Monster Blood" was written in spooky font, and the can was all rusty.
At some point he meets a girl named Andy and they become friends. Maybe it was at the store? I'm just pretty certain that she is there when he first opens the Monster Blood.
So they go home and open the Monster Blood and the shit hits the fan. It starts growing out of control and eats everything in its path. And get this--not only does IT grow out of control, but if you happen to ingest it (like Evan's dog does), YOU grow out of control too! Evan is suspicious that his aunt is a witch because it only starts growing after she handles it.
THEN, the Monster Blood gets so big that it leaves the house and starts rampaging the neighborhood, sucking up cars and people and pets and houses and everything that it slimes across. So as the reader, you're all like "ahhhhh, what are they going to do!?!?"
Well, out of nowhere, it turns out that the aunt's cat is a witch in disguise (what?) who is controlling the Monster Blood, so just when you think that all hope is lost and Evan and Andy (as well as the rest of the world) are doomed, it turns on her and sucks her up and kills her (?) I guess. So after the witch is gone, it shrinks back down to nothing and release all of the people and shit that it ate and everything is fine. And Evans dog is normal size again too.
There was probably a twist ending, because there always is in these books. However, I don't remember what it was. Okay, Happy Halloween!