Thursday, July 31, 2008

rain, with a chance of more rain

Its monsoon season around here I guess. Except they don't tell you on the news in the morning, even though it rains every single day like clockwork. Yet I'm still stupid enough to think "No rain on the news today! I'll leave my umbrella in my car!" I think I very well could be one of those people who WOULD jump off a cliff just because someone told me to.

I was watching some commercial for the Olympics, and I've got to say--even though Michael Phelps has a may-jah case of but-his-face, he has seriously got the hottest body I've ever seen. Good lord.

Also, I haven't worked out in 6 days and people have been telling me all day that I look like I have lost a lot of weight. This is kind of the opposite of what I've been going for, but i guess it's amazing what muscular atrophy can do for your figure.

You know when you're reading a book with an obscure name, and there comes that moment when you FINALLY get to the line in the book that contains/explains the title? This happened to me last night as I was finishing up David Sedaris's new book "When You Are Engulfed in Flames," and when I found that line I felt the most disproportionate swelling of pride. It was like the kind of feeling you would get when you solve a one of those cryptoquotes puzzles in the paper, and even though every person who ever reads that book will be like "oh, and there's the title," I seriously felt for a second like fucking Sherlock Holmes. So, so sad.

I recieved The Bone Collector from my Netflix cue last night, and I must say, I really do think Angelina Jolie is an awesome actress. One of the only good movies I had ever seen her in (besides Wanted) was "Girl, Interrupted," and even though she won an Oscar for that I always kind of thought that her playing the role of an institutionalized girl was kind of like 50 Cent playing the role of a rapper from the school of hard knocks, at least at that point in her life. Not a huge stretch. However, she was really good in this movie, and I think its cool how she's sexy just because she IS, not because she's vamping it up and acting coy for the camera.

I haven't eaten yet today. Probably because I spent the better part of the morning a)trying to figure out where my car was, b)finding out that my sister had taken it to work because HER car had a flat tire, and c)figuring out where the tire jack was so that I could change her tire in order to get myself to work. I mean, seriously? I got here at like noon. At least its Thursday--if that shit had happened on Monday I would have just thrown in the towel and called in sick the entire week.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Have you seen "Gia"? Angelina is AMAZING in that film.

PS- I have the internets!!! YAYAY!