I'm pretty sure this is the image I am going to ask them to turn into my tattoo design. I'm thinking exactly this style, but with pink/red tinge on the ends of the petals where the color normally is.
I think after its done my biggest issue won't be stigma, inability to find gainful employment, or regret over its permanence. It will be finding ways to hide it from my parents for as long as humanly possible.
The problem with Charleston is that during the summertime, most people wear shorts or a short skirt. These people can get away with wearing a t-shirt that provides adequate coverage of the shoulders because their bare legs even out the heat distribution on their bodies. Unfortunately for me, however, I refuse to wear shorts ever, and short skirts make me feel like an alien version of myself--I know I look weird in them. So I wear jeans. This means that I have to wear a tank top or I will most certainly die of heatstroke.
My only hope is that my parents never ever come to visit me during the summer. Ever. It's not so much that I am scared of what they will say--I mean at this point what can they do to me? I am just worried that they will think its some sort of late-blooming form of rebellion--which is just embarrassing. What am I, fifteen? If I were going to get a tattoo to rebel I would have done it long ago. This is strictly because I want to do it, to sort of commemorate this time in my life. I can't imagine ever regretting something that I want so much. I would rather get the tattoo, keep it under wraps, and then show it to them a couple of months (maybe years) later, when I am in medical school, so that at least I am on the road to becoming a respected professional.
All this being said, I am beyond stoked about getting this thing. I hope my artist is hot.
I thought you were getting a magnolia...? Anywhoo, I love, love, love the print you chose. I WANNA GO TO MIAMI!
i really like this! it's going to look so cool; i dig the dawgwood thing.
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