Tuesday, January 29, 2008

apparently i am a horrible person

I want to go to medical school. We all know that. For the past several years I have been steadily prepping myself for medical school and all the horrors that accompany it--sleeplessness, humiliation, feelings of inadequacy, unfathomable debt--because I genuinely want to do it.

My concern is this--am I doing all this for the wrong reasons? When I ask myself honestly "do you want to go to school and become a doctor," the answer is always yes. I know that I would be good at it. I know that it would give me a feeling of substance and accomplishment. And I know that I will enjoy it. But I also know that the prestige, respect, and money that come along with the job are HUGE motivators. The problem is, no one wants to read honesty on a med school application essay. They want the Patch Adams version--"I want to be a doctor because one time when I was a little kid I saw a baby squirrel fall out of a tree and I picked it up and nursed it back to health in a shoebox and ever since all I ever wanted to do is help people"

Can I get a bullshit? Anyone?

I'm not saying that I don't want to help people. Of course I do. I would end up a shitty-ass doctor if I didn't. I don't view people as a paycheck, and am insulted by doctors that do. But I also refuse to delude myself into thinking that I would be willing to throw away the best years of my life in a fit of academic turmoil and pain if I didn't know for damn certain that there was going to be adequate compensation at the other end.

I mean, is there anything wrong with what I'm saying? Is everyone else just too uncomfortable with the truth to come clean, or am I genuinely lacking sensitivity and humanity? I'm tired of people making me feel like a shitty human being for saying "yes, in some ways i AM in it for the money."

1 comment:

Erin said...

You could always say "I want to be a doctor so I can make enough money to be my actor friend's sugar momma."

I think that's a legit "I want to help people and make money" solution. Hell, I'd be in it in part for the money. Everyone is.