Saturday, December 29, 2007

Weblog, aka blog.

So I made a new blog just for myself because my friends told me it was a good idea and they really like theirs. I can see why this is so appealing. It's like you can tell yourself "these are my thoughts, for my eyes only!" just like you would with a diary that you hide under your mattress, but in reality it's sitting right out there in the open where literally anyone in the universe can stumble upon it. That way, you can say things that you would never say aloud, but maybe sorta kinda want people to know about.

Did I just negate the magic of the blog? Whoopsies! Hey, I'm not hatin' on anyone, I'm just laying it all out there in case some day someone is like "Katie, quit being so pretentious, no one cares what you think." Then I can just be like "I know, bitch! Check out my first blog entry! Booyah!"


kelly said...

welcome to the internets! welcome!

Erin said...

Welcome to the "emo".