You know, everyone experiences self-pity from time to time. Under the right circumstances it can even be fun in a slightly sick way--you sit alone, think of what a hard time you are having in life right now, make yourself cry. Then look in the mirror and take note of the way the tears reflect light from your face and eyes, you look like you're in a movie! Everyone does some version of this from time to time.
But this is in private. When self-pity goes public it becomes a whole new level of pathetic. And I've been seeing it everywhere lately, what with facebook being the ultimate outlet for private sentiments that people secretly want made public. And the worst in my mind are the ones who have a problem, know what it is, but instead of fixing it choose to nurture and exploit it because they know it will always draw a certain amount of attention and concern. "Ehhhhwww, I'm damaged and have commitment issues because my mom didn't pay enough attention to me and my dad forgot to throw me a birthday party when I turned four." Fuck four! Get over it quit trying to elicit attention from your ex-girlfriend because you need one more guest in attendance at your pity party. Oh, and instead of drinking a handle of Jack every night and writing some bullshit emo song about the dark caverns of your aching soul, why don't you go out and find a goddamn job already. Grow up asshat, you're 26 years old for chrissakes.
Ok so this entry started out a little more subtle. Anyway, jonathan is really irritating me lately. The end.